

What is an Appendix?

Appendix(复数形式: appendices)是在一本书或文章的结尾包含附加信息的部分。我们应该把次要的数据或细节放在appendix里面,用来提供有用的上下文背景材料。
The interviews show that most people like ice cream (see Appendix C for full trans).


Raw data from tests(测试的原始数据)
Technical figures, graphs or tables(各种技术性的图表)
Maps, charts or images(各种图像)
Letters or emails used in research(与研究相关的信件或电子邮件)
Sample questionnaires or surveys(抽样调查问卷)
Full interview trans(完整的采访记录)





但是,记住,如果是重要信息,核心证据的话,一定要把这些信息放在正文中!不能把所有材料都放在Appendix里面!因为老师评分还是主要参考正文内容,所以critical evidence/results一定要附在正文中哦!


Set of Statements Used for Developing Required Constructs for the Study I Statements for measuring association between supplementary services and functional risk
1. Separate charges for some extra facilities are worth their value like petrol and railway ticket purchases.
2. Additional benefits help in meeting all my financial needs.
3. Additional benefits are appropriately designed to meet financial requirements.
4. Additional facilities with a credit card meet my expectations.
5. I would prefer to have added benefits with my credit card.
6. * Additional facilities with a credit card increase its usage value.
7. * Buying airline / railway tickets by using a credit card at special counters save time.
8. * Through an add-on card other family members can also use the credit card.
9. * I do not face the problem of inadequate cash because of ATM access, cash advance and cash withdrawal facilities with my credit card.
10. * ATM access, cash advance and cash withdrawal and other facilities help to meet my financial requirements effectively.
11. * These statements were judged to be of high value by the experts and considered as major components of the construct towards association of functional risk and supplementary services.
II  Statements for measuring association between supplementary services and psychological risk
1. Protection against loss or damage from fi re for items purchased through credit card provides me with a sense of security.
2. People give recognition and attention, if purchases are made through credit card.
3. I feel proud while making purchases through credit cards.
4. It is easy to make a purchase decision on the basis of additional benefits.
5. I feel delighted to have extra benefits with my credit card.
6. * * I feel good about my decision to have additional facilities with my credit card.
7. * * I feel myself in safe hands due to zero / limited lost card liability.
8. * * I prefer to have recognition and attention, if purchases are made through credit card.
9. * * Additional facilities like ATM access, cash withdrawal, etc with credit card provides me with a sense of security.
10. * * My family members are not dependent on me to use credit card due to add-on card availability.





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