[代写范文]编号171172 美国商科marketing代写

这是我们在2017年为美国密西西比大学的客户写作的essay范文,本篇文章是marketing的assignment类文章,开头我们照例是introduction,介绍我们的写作对象Wang Hotpot,让读者对这家公司有个大概的了解,知道我们要研究的对象是谁。

Wang Hotpot is a competitive hot pot maker in Chinese catering industry. Founded in Shanghai in November 2009, Wang Hotpot has been developed into a national-scale chain enterprises with approximately 50 branches located in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, as well as all over main China. The basic cuisine offered by Wang Hotpot is the combination of Cantonese style soup and traditional Chinese hot pot. Wang Hotpot has a secret recipe for special soup base made of chicken and pork tripe. This, as expected at the initial stage of brand foundation, has become the company’s signature product, most popular one, and from the strategic level, the company’s differentiating product and source of competitiveness. At this stage, given the current market status of Chinese catering industry and development status of the company, Wang Hotpot has determined to expand the market transnationally. The primary choice of destination will be the Singapore market, given the close connection between the two markets in the region of East Asia, as well as the similarity between tastes of Chinese consumers and mainland migrants to Singapore. The ultimate goal and long-term prospect of this move will be that Wang Hotpot becomes into a multinational firm with cross-border businesses, covering regions even beyond Asia.

之后开始是body部分,我们的范文essay是写了四个大点,这里我们截取其中一个大点来展示分享,我们来看看范文写的Mission & Strategy,同样是分步来写,我们展示的是Mission Statement这个部分,首先要有理有据,也就是要有reference穿插在其中,同时也需要用自己的话来阐述research中得到的信息。

It has almost become a well-acknowledged rule in business operation that companies need clearly defined missions working as the fundamental corporate guideline. Frigo (2003) has used the example of operation of non-profit organizations to illustrate the causal relationship between mission and strategy, that is, the strategy is driven by the mission. Hirota, et al (2010) have also found out that firms with clear and strong missions tend to be more successful in retaining employees, benefiting from the internally promoted talents, and in this way, leading to a lower possibility of having debts and better financial performances. Therefore, a mission statement should also be developed for Wang Hotpot in order to explain the aim and existence of the organization, serving as the purpose that is influential to the business operation, and at the same time, being constantly changed because of the changes in mind of the organizational members along with time (Azaddin, 2012).

From a macroscopic and long-term perspective, the overall mission for Wang Hotpot is to persist to the use of high quality ingredients and considerate and proper services in order to give the customers the premium dining experience. In order to fulfill this mission, it is necessary for the firm to insist on the secret recipe and the maintenance of the quality, meaning the eight hour soup boiling process. Holding the attitude of treating customers the same as family members is another important pre-requisite to fulfill the mission. For daily operations involving the direct interaction with customers, the firm needs to embed this mission statement with every aspect of the operation, including management policies and marketing strategies.


In conclusion, there will not be much diversion from the marketing strategy in mainland China when Wang Hotpot is planning to move abroad into Singapore market. Raw materials, signature products, as well as the corporate principle philosophy will be kept consistent in the Singapore branch. The supplier network will be different from the domestic China-based supply chain, extending to the new sourcing partner in the Netherlands. In terms of marketing strategy, local responsiveness in Singapore will be specifically emphasized, with the Singapore branch menu compromising more taste variations than its original Chinese menu, in order to target not only the ethnic Chinese living in Singapore, which is the main part of the target audience, but also the foreign tourists to Singapore, as well as citizens from other ethnic backgrounds. At the initial stage of establishing the Singapore branch, promotional campaigns will take place onsite at the store location, including the visual advertisements and physical experience providing. As for the extended corporate management encompassing a foreign branch, an international department will be set, generally covering the business operations in Singapore. Staff members for the international department will be selected from the headquarter and from departments covering each corporate function.


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