[代写范文]编号171202 澳洲人类学论文代写


Family has a crucial role in building up individual’s identity. Family provide us with our initial social class, and a first view of the society. Family is the initial and smallest social unit in the society. Parents are the initial teachers for the children in the family. The relationships between the family members and the relations within the boundaries and across the boundaries have a great influence upon the children inside the family. The parents influence their children’s identity by delivering to the children their own manner and decency. Culturally, the respect towards the rituals and traditions of the parents will be passed on to the next generation. In CHU HSI’s family rituals, the young followed the traditions and rituals of their ancestors, which has become part of their own identity (Patricia Buckley Ebrey, 1992). Economically, the well-being of a family will provide the children with a relatively healthy and decent environment to grow as an individual, which has a positive influence on the buildup of the identity. The children will most likely to be independent and have strong sense of self-esteem. Psychologically, the good environment of a family will serve as an example of having good sense of boundaries among the community (Schachter, E. P., & Ventura, J. J., 2008). Parents also acts like a role model for their children. If the parents are tolerant, equal, and understandable. The children will learn from their parents to have the same character as well. When facing with the flaws and mistakes of the children, a respective parent will give appropriate guidance with special attention to the children’s identity of being friendly, independent, enthusiastic and generous.


Education will help us build a more comprehensive view of the world and thus lead us to more complicated identities. The education has a crucial role in the form and development of identity. The students learned a systematic science and knowledge through classroom education to form a scientific worldview. Through learning, it is also possible to develop the students’ identity of persistence and initiative. The overall environment of the school and the class is also a crucial influential factor in the buildup and development of the identity. A good atmosphere of the classroom and the school will promote the students to form their initially, their dependency and their respect towards the regulations (Thomas, R., & Chickering, A. W., 1984). The various knowledge provided by the school education allows the students to have new perspectives towards the world. The students will also get a more comprehensive view of the world. When the students absorbed these new knowledge, and form their own views towards the world, they will have a clearer view of their identity (Chickering, A. W., & Reisser, L., 1993). They are likely to have new perspectives of what kind of people they are and what kind of people they want to be.


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