[代写范文]编号171286 美国English writing代写

这是我们在2017年为美国俄亥俄大学的客户写的一篇大一English writing文章,全文1200字,以Starbucks, Much More than Coffee 为题,通过分析Starbucks这一案例,来提出自己的观点并且做出相应的解释,我们截取了片段分享给大家,首先是开头部分的introduction,介绍Starbucks的相关情况。

Starbucks, a coffee shop popular in many countries around the world, serves as a place for people to enjoy the drinks, have a rest, surf the internet, do business talks or anything you can think of doing in public places. It starts from a coffee shop, but has a lot more functions than that. Starbucks is replete with people from all walks of life—students, white collars or workers—and people from different countries and of different colors—white Americans, yellow Asians or black Hispanics. But in the shop, they are all customers. For me, a cosmopolitan canopy is a mixture of people of different backgrounds and Starbucks is something of a cosmopolitan canopy in many ways.


First of all, Starbucks is a public place available to all kinds of customers. A public place is defined as a social space that is generally open and accessible to people. That means in Starbucks, there are untold possibilities of the kind of people you will happen to encounter. If there is a choice, people would like to stay close to similar people to themselves. For instance, whites tend to get along with whites, and Chinese likes to communicate more with Chinese. It’s natural similar people intend to gather together on social occasions. But in a public place, there are no restrictions on the people who enter a shop and it’s not likely that you can predict or determine who will sit beside you or come near you. Starbucks, as a public place, enables all kinds of customers perhaps of different ethic background and nationalities to come under the same roof.

美国English writing代写


In conclusion, Starbucks draws all kinds of people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. In such a public place, you need to behave yourselves and can also relax your guard. You can closely observe people that looks strange to you, whose behavior you previously could only imagine.(Anderson, 2004) In this case, it facilitates understandings and even interaction between different unfamiliar people. For me, the cosmopolitan canopy resembles a melting pot of all sorts of people. It means much more than coffee itself but stands for diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance and understandings made possible by its atmosphere.


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