[代写范文]美国 东西方文化论文 范文展示


Since the September 11 attacks, the relations between the American supremacy and Islamic Terrorist have been arisen global attention for academics. Meanwhile, the recent civic war in Syria also reminders the global public attention towards Islamic world. With the establishment of the Islamic State. Even recently, the incumbent American president banned Muslim to entry their borders. The security problem brought by the relations of Muslim and the American supremacy has become a global issue. This extremely intensive relationship is following the discourse of American Orientalism as the US replaced the Great Britain becoming the dominant power on the earth (Rotter, 2000).


The rise of the US power worldwide promotes the thought of the white supremacy and the racism of the white people and the western culture (Amin-Khan, 2012). The key concept investigated in this article is orientalism. The concept of Orientalism was primarily illustrated by Said. Said defines the term “Orientalism” as the ideology promoting the “West-and-Islam dualism”. According to Rotter (2000), Orientalism mainly focus on investigating how British and French represented western civilization represent the Asian countries, especially Middle East countries or Muslim countries. The rise of the Islamic State and worldwide terrorism pushes the western countries to reconsider their representation of the Islamic world in order to enhance the global security. In the discourse of orientalism, the white people are located in the centre of the world and superior towards other ethics, such as yellow people, black people and Muslim.


Under the concept of orientalism, the Asian countries are viewed as alienate and unusual, so that orientalism is not coordinate with the world of diversity and pluralism. As the global terrorism is becoming rampant, and there is a rise of anti-American sentiment. The US and European countries should take measures to defend their border security not only through military force but also cultural reconcile between the western culture and the Islamic culture. According to Rotter (2000), the rise of the new Orientalism is accompanying by the white supremacy. Currently, there are two pathways for addressing the issue of Islamic terrorism, through cultural reconcile or minimize cultural interaction. The prevalence of orientalism thoughts may increase the anti-Muslim sentiment among the white people. By investigating and accessing the history of orientalism, it could take measures to minimize the negative influence of “West-and-Islamic dualism” and enhance mutual understanding between the Islamic world and the western world. From my personal view, the scope of orientalism is board including the region of the Far East (China, Japan and Korea).




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