[代写范文]美国 金融投资 financial investment 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国university of Florida的学弟学妹们写的一篇金融投资financial investment类论文,首先在开头的部分介绍了文章的主要信息,压缩天然气(CNG)加气站项目,P3引入在宾夕法尼亚州周围的公共交通机构开发更清洁的压缩天然气站,如果由私人公司处理,运营可能更具成本效益。在压缩天然气工业中,P3有望实现多个目标,包括提供可靠的CNG燃料,提升设施以适应CNG,降低长期运营成本,并建立新的收入来源作为其他基础设施改进的支持项目。

As for the compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations project, the P3s are introduced to develop cleaner CNG stations at public transit agencies around Pennsylvania, and the operation could be more cost-efficient if it is handled by a private company. There are several goals that is expected to be achieved by P3s in the CNG industry, including providing reliable access to CNG fuel, upgrading facilities to accommodate CNG, reducing long-term operations costs and establishing a new revenue source as a support for other infrastructure improvement projects.

然后是body部分的写作,给出自己的观点并且给出论据,提出该行业的主要公众参与者是政府机构,即负责管理交通和能源的机构。 在这种情况下,宾州州DOT是公共部门的参与者。 它有权制定计划并选择可参与项目的P3。另一个公共部门的参与者是当地的运输公司,他们将从P3购买CNG,然后将其用于公共交通。

The major public participant in this industry is the government agency, namely the ones that are in charge of administrating transportation and energy. In this case, the Penn state DOT is the public sector participant. It has the sole authority to make plans and choose the P3s that can participate in the project.Another public sector actor is the local transit agencies, who would purchase the CNG from the P3s, and then use it for public transportation. It can be seen that the public participant is also a customer of the P3s, while another government agency that is one level higher servers as a partner at the P3s.

最后的部分用一个conclusion进行全文的总结,就Penn CNG站项目而言,Penn DOT预计将为销售给客户的每加仑燃料赚取15%的版税。Penn DOT在项目期限内获得了至少210万美元的版税保证。此外,地方运输机构预计每年可节省1000多万美元。预计这个项目将在10年内值得花费,总储蓄超过1亿美元。

Yes, there is definitely a good prospect for decent returns for the P3s in the CNG stations project.In the case of the Penn CNG station project, the Penn DOT is expected to earn 15% royalty for each gallon of fuel that is sold to the customers. And Penn DOT has been given a guarantee of at least $2.1 million in royalties over the term of the project. Besides, the local transit agencies are expected to save more than $10 million per year. The project is expected to be worth the cost in 10 years with over $100 million in total savings.One other reason I believe the CNG stations project will be profitable is that as we are running out of gasoline, the price of fuel would increase as well. So, the price for the CNG will also rise, which can further reduce the cost for the local transit agencies. Besides, in this case, Pennsylvania has an abundance of natural gas, utilizing the resources owned by the state could reduce the dependency of imports of fuel, at the same time avoiding the fluctuations of its cost.




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