[代写范文]美国media 读后感代写

这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学妹写的一篇media的读后感范文essay,首先在开头部分用introduction的形式来介绍文章的主要内容,由于文化起源于生活,并且经常改造,因此文化不易被定义。 然而,雷蒙威廉斯给出了一个合理的文化定义,这与当时其他文化定义不同。

Culture cannot be defined easily since it origins from life and is always remodeled. However, Raymond Williams gave a reasonable definition of culture, which was different from other culture definitions at that time. Moreover, he found some scholars like Leavis dividing culture into two parts: one is elite culture for bourgeois intellectuals; one is mass culture for the working classes. However, in his opinion, culture is ordinary. Williams was born in a labor family and very familiars of the life in the bottom of society. He came from the countryside, and then went to the University of Cambridge to study. By analyzing Marxism, Williams has given the new meanings to mass, he also provided two pieces of evidences that culture is not a privilege for the elite anymore.

Body部分通过更多的材料分析来证明论点,首先,威廉斯在“文化分析”中定义了三种文化。 第一个是理想的,第二个是纪录片,第三个是社交的。 “理想文化”是人类完美的游行。 “纪录片文化”是富有想象力和智力的工作。 “社会文化”是一种特殊的生活方式,它不仅代表了学术和艺术的价值,也代表了日常行为的价值。

First of all, there are three kinds of culture in Williams’ definition in The Analysis of Culture. The first is ideal, the second is documentary and the third is social. “Ideal culture” is a procession of human perfection. “Documentary culture” is imaginative and intellectual work. “Social culture” is a special life style, which represents not only the value of academic and arts, but also the value in ordinary behavior. He emphasizes culture is from society and life, which is not abstract concept and elite’s halo. Labors are a part of society, so they contribute to contents of culture, especially the social culture.

最后在conclusion的部分给出文章的观点,用威廉提供的两个证据来表明文化是普通的,并可以被所有社会阶层所分享。 一方面,所有阶级都分享并受益于文化的发展。另一方面,文化也可以受到普通人的影响。

William gave two evidences that culture was ordinary and shared by all social classes. On the one hand, all classes were shared and benefited from the developments of culture. People lived in farming valleys enjoyed the achievements and marks of the industrial revolution. For example, the petrol engine, steam power, electricity and other things like clean water and canned food. Labors were evolved in the developments. On the other hand, cultures were influenced by ordinary people. Williams disagreed of the false equation that the popular culture guided bad minds and feelings to the customers, especially to the labors. He said there were lots of good men and labors could distinguish some terrifying and moronic from the right and positive views. This showed they couldn’t be evaluated as stupid people just because they were not educated. Moreover, some workers at the bottom of society like a lorry driver, a nylon operative and others gave Williams some critical views and knowledge. They are parts of the creators of the culture. As conclusion, culture is not a privilege for the elite anymore.




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