

The first chapter, Language Teaching Methodology, introduced three main teaching methods. They are grammar-translation, audiolingualism and communicative language teaching. The author also set out three key principles to help developing personal classroom approaches, which are evolving your own personal methodology, focusing on learners and building instructional sequences on a cycle of Pre- Task, Task and Follow-Up. The author emphasized that teachers need to encourage learners to use English outside the classroom, motivate learners to learn independently and understand the relationship between audiolingualism and communicative language teaching.

之后是body部分的扩充,首先举例说明我们注意到在课堂上一般来说第一件事都是老师回顾前一课的内容,先让学生们回忆在上一节课中学到的东西。 老师可以注意到一些学生的错误,同时可以纠正它们。

As for reflect, the first thing I noticed is that the teacher reviewed what they learned at last lesson with students. The teacher can notice a few students’ mistakes and stress it, such as “ Are these your books?” not “Is this your books?” The teacher also gave positive responses to learners’ answers immediately, such as “great”, “excellent”. As for the questions for the teacher, I would like to ask how did she teach students about singular and plural forms. Did students understand the rules clearly? And how can she assess? Also, because students were a little bit shy, did she do any adjustments to suit students’ abilities?

最后是conclusion的部分,在这部分主要是进行自我反思,发现自己的问题,首先指出的问题是虽然老师明确地给出了教学指导以确保学生理解,但效果不甚理想。 第二,老师鼓励学生用自己的语言提问,但是由于实践过少,也没有很理想的效果。

In reflect, the first thing I noticed is that the teacher gave the instruction clearly and ask concept check questions to make sure students understand. The second is that the teacher encouraged learners to ask questions use their own language. The teacher fully involved group discussion. After the first round, the teacher reconstructed the group and enable students to exchange information with each other.



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