
这是我们在2017年为新西兰奥塔哥大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇企业社会责任CSR论文代写范文。随着对商业活动的环境和社会意识不断提高,越来越多的研究人员和商人关注如何为当代企业建立企业社会责任。 基本上,企业社会责任的粗略定义就是建立对经济,法律,道德和自由裁量等社会的责任。 以下是CSR论文代写节选的范文:

With increasing environmental and social awareness on the business activities, there are increasing numbers of researchers and businessmen concerning on building corporates social responsibility towards a contemporary business. Basically, a rough definition of CSR is claimed that business has to build a responsibility to societies including economic, legal, ethical and discretionary according to Carrol (1979). Based on this view, Commission of the European Communities (2006) provides a comprehensive definition that corporate social responsibility is a term whereby companies integrate the social and environmental factors into the business consideration, and the stakeholders also should be involved into the interaction. In this assignment, Referring to a specifically case of Lloyds bank, it would focus on discussing the corporate social responsibility concept and practices. Primarily, it would begin with a general introduction of Lloyds bank, then, a comprehensive literature review from two parts includes CSR core characteristics and theoretical concepts would be demonstrated, thirdly, a general comparison between Lloyds Bank and Barclays bank would be examined to enhance the argument. In order to improve the efficiency of CSR, the final part would comment some recommendations for further development.

Lloyds Bank is a famous financial services group in the world who is focusing on retail and commercial customers (Lloyds Inc., 2017). According to the records from its official website, it highlights that “over 1,000 high street branches, award-winning online, mobile and telephone banking services, supported by a network of Commercial Banking and Private Banking relationship managers across England and Wales”. In 2016, Lloyds bank gains a significant business and financial success as it can seen from the below table (Table 1.). Moreover, in order to support the development of CSR, Lloyds bank builds a CSR culture that claims to encompass social, ethical and environmental issues (Lloyds Inc., 2017). There are four areas that Bank focusing on, in terms of culture building, social contribution, market integrity and working with market. Additionally, links to the data result, it illustrates that 94% of employees felt that the corporation of Lloyd’s was a responsible organisation in relation to the way we conduct business (Lloyds Inc, 2017). Therefore, it implies that Lloyds bank makes efforts on corporate social responsibility so that it could be included into business activities. Building on this information of Lloyds bank, in this assignment, Lloyds bank is selected as a typical case to explore.

Conclusion的部分着重于分析CSR的问题; 着重探讨了CSR和三域模式的六大核心特征。 例如,自愿性,管理外部性,多方利益相关者导向,社会和经济一致性,实践和价值观以及慈善事业之外被认为是确定CSR时需要考虑的主要核心特征。

In conclusion, this assignment focuses on analysis the issues of CSR; the six core characteristics of CSR and Three-domain model are highlighted to explore this issue. For example, voluntary, managing externalities, multiple stakeholder orientation, social and economic alignment, practices and values and beyond philanthropy are referred as the main core characteristics that need to be taken into account when identifies the CSR. Furthermore, in order to present an in-depth examination, Lloyd bank is regarded as a core case to link with the CSR concepts. Firstly, it demonstrates the main CSR strategies in organisation. Additionally, a comparison between Barclays and Lloyd’s is discussed in assignment. Apart from this, this assignment provides two recommendations to Lloyd’s CSR future development. For instance, training programmes are suggested to enhance the CSR culture building. Through a special discussion, this assignment is demonstrated as an efficient analysis to discuss the importance of CSR.






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