





这是一篇我们在2017年为澳洲昆士兰大学的学妹创作的会计代写范文,这篇essay有文字有计算,我们都分别列举出来给大家展示,首先背景是Doggy Clean私人有限公司正在考虑投资一种新型的具有较高压力低容量水流量系统的狗狗清洗设备。 这样可以减少每次狗狗洗澡时使用的水量,每年可节约约2000升水。 他们期望有些客户会喜欢在昆士兰省节水的好处,而且吸引新客户。 (1) Doggy Clean Pty Ltd is considering investing in a new dog washing device with a higher pressure lower volume water flow system. This will reduce the amount of water used per dog wash and save approximately 2,000 litres of water per year. They expect that some customers will appreciate the benefit of saving water ...


这是我们在2017年为英国曼彻斯特大学的学弟写的一篇英国会计论文代写范文,首先在开头部分用introduction的方式介绍文章的背景信息,2016年,美国最大的银行Wells Fargo承认,其雇员未经客户授权创建了多达200万个帐户,这些欺诈活动导致客户无端被收取费用。这起丑闻令公众失望,人们失去了对银行的信任。由于篇幅限制,节选部分英国会计论文代写范文展示。 In 2016, the biggest American bank Wells Fargo admitted that its employees had created as many as 2 million accounts without authorization from customers, and these fraudulent activities caused customers to incur fees. This scandal disappointed the public and people lost trust in Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo terminated ...


这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇管理会计类essay,首先开头introduction介绍essay背景和相关信息,威尔克森公司(WC)是一家制造企业,通过加工半成品零件为水净化设备提供零件。 它加工了三种产品,即阀门,泵和流量控制器。 其中三种阀门是标准产品,可以批量生产和运输,也可以自动将4个部件装配在夹具上; 泵是公司的主要产品,公司也是市场上该产品的主要供应商; 流量控制器的品种和产品线最多,因此,完成该产品的每个单元需要更多的人力。 在商业环境方面,公司一直以优质的阀门而闻名,因此,公司有一些忠诚的客户。 Wilkerson Company (WC) is a manufacturing enterprise that provides parts for water purification equipment by processing semi-finished components. It machined three products, which are valves, pumps, and, flow controllers. Among ...

[代写范文]编号171299 澳洲管理会计论文代写

这是我们在2017年为澳洲墨尔本莫纳什大学的同学创作的一篇management accounting的essay,全文650字,我们截取了片段为大家分享,文中reference众多,给整篇essay很大的理论支撑,让文章看起来饱满、充实、有说服力。 Activity based costing is the (Horngren et al. , 2014) is a system which regards each of the activity as the cost object. It assigns costs to products, services, tasks based on activities that carried to produce them, such as machine set up and material purchase ordering. I am going to argue that based on the case and the calculations in Schedule 6, ABC should be implement ...

[代写范文]编号171266 英国会计论文代写

这是我们在2017年为英国谢菲尔德大学的客户代写的一篇范文essay,是一篇management accounting的case study,以下是我们节选的分享片段。 i. The difference in dollar amount of Gross Profit over the two years presented. The reported gross profits in both two years are 36,000. Thus, there is no difference in amount of gross profit over the two years. ii. Determine the Gross Profit % for each year. Current Year Previous Year Gross Profit 36,000 36,000 Net Sales 100,000 90,000 GP % 36% 40% iii. Based on Gross Profit % above, which year is more profita ...

[代写范文]编号171223 加拿大会计原理代写

这是我们2017年为加拿大多伦多北郊的约克大学的客户创作的一篇关于accounting theory 的essay,以Role of conceptual framework for financial accounting为题,全文1500字,开头首先介绍相关背景,以introduction的形式让读者明白本文的主要作用。 According to IASB (2015), conceptual framework is a system of interconnected objectives and principles. The aim of financial reporting is identified by the objectives and the principles provide guidelines of how to achieve those objectives. Besides, those consistent concepts also help to develop new accounting standards and evaluate t ...