[代写范文]澳洲culture essay 代写范文展示

这是我们在2017年为澳洲墨尔本大学的学妹创作的一篇culture essay 代写范文,首先在开头introduction的部分介绍文章的讨论方向,首先提出亚文化是指大文化中的文化群体,它往往与大文化的兴趣或信仰不同。在这篇文章中,我们将将介绍一种亚文化---狂欢。 As it is known, subculture refers to a cultural group in a larger culture, which often is different from the interests or beliefs of the larger culture. In this article, I will introduce a subculture--- Rave. It usually refers to a dance party with a great deal of dancing people at a festival featuring performance, dance club, or nightclub. In the late 1950s, the ...


这是我们在2017年为澳洲卧龙岗大学的学弟学妹做的一篇教育学论文代写。本文主要是介绍APST教学标准,APST标准包括七个标准,每个标准涵盖几个重点。 这七项标准包括:(1)了解学生及其学习方法;(2)了解教学内容和教学方式;(3)有效教学和学习的计划和实施;(4)创建和维护安全和支持性 学习环境,(5)对学生学习进行评估,反馈和报告,(6)积极开展专业学习和思考,(7)为学校和专业团体做出贡献(QCT,2011)。 这七个标准可以分为学习者的知识,学科内容和学科教学知识,教学过程管理,环境管理,评价和教师专业发展策略, APST Standards include seven standards, and each standards covers several focuses. The seven standards include: (1) understanding students and how they learn, (2) knowing the teaching content and the way of teaching, (3) Plan and implem ...

[代写范文]美国media essay代写范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国伊利诺伊香槟分校的学弟学妹们写的一篇media essay 代写,以The Compare and Contrast of Film Development and Communication of U.S. Hollywood and China为题,开篇introduction部分介绍主题的相关内容,全球化使文化消化和融合,同时它也不断改变各种原始文化特征,形成多样化的新形势。 追求利润的资本从经济领域延伸到促进文化全球化进程的文化领域。文化全球化是文化领域资本主义发展的反映。这部电影作为文化先驱,是组织和表达资本的重要媒体,因此资本自然会充分利用电影制作和传播的各个空间。 本文将比较和对比中国和美国电影的产业,意识形态和技术。 Globalization makes digestion and convergence of cultures, and at the same time, it also continue to transform a variety of original characteristics of culture, formi ...


这是一篇我们在2017年为澳洲昆士兰大学的学妹创作的会计代写范文,这篇essay有文字有计算,我们都分别列举出来给大家展示,首先背景是Doggy Clean私人有限公司正在考虑投资一种新型的具有较高压力低容量水流量系统的狗狗清洗设备。 这样可以减少每次狗狗洗澡时使用的水量,每年可节约约2000升水。 他们期望有些客户会喜欢在昆士兰省节水的好处,而且吸引新客户。 (1) Doggy Clean Pty Ltd is considering investing in a new dog washing device with a higher pressure lower volume water flow system. This will reduce the amount of water used per dog wash and save approximately 2,000 litres of water per year. They expect that some customers will appreciate the benefit of saving water ...


这是我们在2017年为英国曼彻斯特大学的学弟写的一篇英国会计论文代写范文,首先在开头部分用introduction的方式介绍文章的背景信息,2016年,美国最大的银行Wells Fargo承认,其雇员未经客户授权创建了多达200万个帐户,这些欺诈活动导致客户无端被收取费用。这起丑闻令公众失望,人们失去了对银行的信任。由于篇幅限制,节选部分英国会计论文代写范文展示。 In 2016, the biggest American bank Wells Fargo admitted that its employees had created as many as 2 million accounts without authorization from customers, and these fraudulent activities caused customers to incur fees. This scandal disappointed the public and people lost trust in Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo terminated ...

[代写范文]英国代写:marketing SWOT分析代写

这是我们在2017年为英国爱丁堡大学的学妹写的一篇marketing SWOT代写范文,本文是关于英国咨询市场分析的论文。英国的咨询市场包括英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰。我们的研究对象目前市场价值10亿英镑,成为第二大咨询公司。并且近年来增长率强劲,介于6%至10%之间,还被公认为欧洲增长最快的咨询市场。 It was reported on Consultancy.uk that the consulting market in UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The market is worth 10 billions GBP and it becomes the second largest consultancy location. The rate of growth performed strongly in recent years with ranging between 6% and 10%. Meanwhile, it is recognized as the fastest ...


这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学妹写的一篇电影学论文代写的范文。文章主要介绍了西部电影描绘了一个什么内容。比如西部电影的主角通常是牛仔,枪手和猎人。这种类型的电影最早在19世纪末开始出现,并在20世纪30年代得到广泛的普及。 Western movies depict the conquest of the wild land and the subordination of nature in the name of civilization. The protagonists of western movies are usually cowboys, gunfighters, and hunters. This genre of films was first put on the screen at the end of 19th century, and gained widespread popularity in the 1930s. In the following decades, western films have kept developing and s ...


这是我们在2017年为新西兰奥塔哥大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇企业社会责任CSR论文代写范文。随着对商业活动的环境和社会意识不断提高,越来越多的研究人员和商人关注如何为当代企业建立企业社会责任。 基本上,企业社会责任的粗略定义就是建立对经济,法律,道德和自由裁量等社会的责任。 以下是CSR论文代写节选的范文: With increasing environmental and social awareness on the business activities, there are increasing numbers of researchers and businessmen concerning on building corporates social responsibility towards a contemporary business. Basically, a rough definition of CSR is claimed that business has to build a responsibility to societies including eco ...


这是我们在2017年为英国莱斯特大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇公共关系论文代写范文,首先在introduction的部分中介绍文章的背景和相关信息,文献中的争论是关于媒体是否是影响个人决策过程和实际行为的有力工具。 一方面,人们认为媒体在影响个人决策和行为方面起着重要作用。 另一方面,一些学者和研究人员认为媒体对个人决策和行为的影响是有限的。以下是公共关系论文代写范文: The debate in the literature is about whether or not media is a powerful tool influencing individuals’ decision process and actual behaviors. On the one side, people hold a view that media plays an important role in influencing individuals’ decision making and behaviors. On the other side, some academics and resear ...


这是我们在2017年为加拿大皇后大学的学弟学妹写的一篇E-Commerce论文代写范文,首先开头部分用introduction的形式介绍文章的主题,提出在当今社会,互联网的重大突破已经改变了很多商业模式。越来越多的商业组织将注意力从传统的商业模式转移到电子商务越来越流行的新模式。不仅商业参与者,而且学术学者也将注意力集中在电子商务上。大多数人认为电子商务使商业组织在业务进展中取得了渐进式的进展。 In current society, the great breakthrough of Internet has changed business modes a lot. More and more business organizations have shifted their attention from traditional business modes to new modes, under which E-Commerce has increasingly become popular. Not only business participators, but also a ...