
这是我们在2017年为加拿大多伦多大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇金融投资组合论文代写,文章的主题是讨论PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000(PRF)采用基本加权策略来追踪FTSE RAFI US 1000指数。 其基本的加权策略是根据四个基本因素(包括账面价值,现金流量,销售额和股息)选择FTSE RAFI US 1000指数化股票中的股票。 Recent year have seen the rise of the smart beta ETFs. Different from traditional type ofETFs which passively track indexes by simply constructing funds based market capitalizatismall PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000 ( PRF ) apply fundamental weighted strategy to track FTSE RAFI US 1000 index. Its fundamental weighted stra ...

[代写范文]美国纽约大学leadership management 论文代写

这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇leadership management论文代写范文,文章的主题是自1998年成立以来,BizOps公司已将其业务拓展至150多个网点,并且是相关行业的领先企业。 Siimon,Natushka和Devon是BizOps的所有者,专业从事制造和零售。 不同部门的主管和经理在其专业领域有10年以上的经验,可以指导员工在特定领域工作。 BizOps company since established in 1998 has expanded its business to more than 150 outlets and is a leading company in the relevant industries. Siimon, Natushka and Devon, the owners of BizOps are professional in manufacturing and retailing. The directors and managers in different department have 10 yea ...

[代写范文]英国 酒店管理论文代写展示

这是我们在2017年为英国University of Nottingham的学弟写的一篇酒店管理类的essay范文。本文研究对象是中国的酒店发展,指出随着中国社会经济发展步伐的加快,酒店业发展非常健康,非常蓬勃。国民收入增加,经济也持续增长,市场需求不断扩大,与此同时,前沿技术的应用也为中国酒店业的发展注入了新的活力。 With the accelerated pace of social and economic development in China, the hotel industry developed very healthy and vigorous. The rising of national incomes, the growth of sustained economic, the continuous expansion of market demand and the application of frontier technologies all injected new vitality to the development of China’s hos ...

[代写范文]英国 环境essay代写 论文展示

这是我们在2017年为英国Swansea University的学妹创作的一篇环境类essay的范文,首先在开头部分通过introduction的方式介绍文章的背景,提出根据美国国家海洋与大气管理局的统计,气候变化被定义为天气统计的长期变化。同时指出造成气候变化的原因可以分为两个方面,分别是自然方面和人文方面。 Climate change is defined, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US (2007), as a long-term shift in the statistics of the weather. It could be presented, for instance, as a change in normal climate level at a given place and time of year. The main evidence of climate change includes rising sea levels, melting gl ...

[代写范文]英国 human resource management 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为英国 Lancaster University的学弟学妹们写的一篇human resource management的毕业论文,开头部分首先introduction介绍文章的主要内容,工作世界面临着当今社会面临的诸多挑战,这就要求人力资源管理开发新的方法来改善工作环境。 此外,同时保持组织竞争力也很重要。 因此,如何处理人力资源管理实践,组织绩效与员工福利之间的关系是应对挑战的核心问题。 Working world has been in the face of lots of challenges in current society, which requires human resource management to develop new approach to improve environments in working world. Also, it is important to maintain organizational competitiveness at the same time. Therefore, how to deal wit ...

[代写范文]美国地理essay代写 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇地理类essay,开篇introduction介绍文章的背景和相关的信息,指出位于戈马以北18公里处的尼拉贡戈火山位于非洲中东部,人口为60万。尼拉贡戈山有世界上最大的持续熔岩湖,直径200米。 直径1.3公里,这是一个山顶火山口。 它比戈马的高度高1.5公里。 Mount Nyiragongo, which is 18 km north of Goma, locates on east-central Africa with population of 600,000. Mount Nyiragongo has the largest persistent lava lake in the world which is 200 m diameter. The diameter is 1.3 km, which is a summit crater. It is 1.5 km higher than Goma’s altitude. Mount nyiragongo is caused by the rifting from the ...

[代写范文]美国 金融投资 financial investment 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国university of Florida的学弟学妹们写的一篇金融投资financial investment类论文,首先在开头的部分介绍了文章的主要信息,压缩天然气(CNG)加气站项目,P3引入在宾夕法尼亚州周围的公共交通机构开发更清洁的压缩天然气站,如果由私人公司处理,运营可能更具成本效益。在压缩天然气工业中,P3有望实现多个目标,包括提供可靠的CNG燃料,提升设施以适应CNG,降低长期运营成本,并建立新的收入来源作为其他基础设施改进的支持项目。 As for the compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations project, the P3s are introduced to develop cleaner CNG stations at public transit agencies around Pennsylvania, and the operation could be more cost-efficient if it is handled by a private company. Ther ...

[代写范文]美国 东西方文化论文 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国南加州大学的学弟写的一篇东西文化类essay的范文,首先在开头部分以introduction的形式介绍文章的背景和主题,提出自“9•11”袭击以来,美国霸权与伊斯兰恐怖分子之间的关系已引起全球学者的关注。同时,叙利亚最近的公民战争也提醒全球公众对伊斯兰世界的关注。 Since the September 11 attacks, the relations between the American supremacy and Islamic Terrorist have been arisen global attention for academics. Meanwhile, the recent civic war in Syria also reminders the global public attention towards Islamic world. With the establishment of the Islamic State. Even recently, the incumbent American president banned ...

[代写范文]美国 bible essay 范文展示

这是我们为美国UCSD(University of California, San Diego)的学弟写的一篇Bible essay,首先在开头部分的introduction介绍相关的文章信息,指出这篇文章旨在评估我个人的精神成长,尽管我没有在一个有基督教信仰的儿童的环境中长大,但这并不妨碍我寻求精神的形成。 This essay intends to assess my personal spiritual growth. Though I did not grow up in an environment where children were imparted with Christian beliefs, that did not prevent me from seeking spiritual formation. In my opinion, spirituality is not necessarily associated with religion. Spirituality is about seeking our value and meaning of lif ...

[代写范文]美国 Art history 论文代写

这是我们在2017年为美国波士顿大学学弟创作的一篇Art history代写范文,首先开头部分通过introduction介绍了文章的背景信息,文章认为将中国绘画与其他绘画区分开来的最鲜明特征之一是绘画上的铭文。例如,在赵孟俯的绵羊和山羊中,铭文和绘画在作品中几乎占有相同的比例,铭文之所以出现在中国画上的原因是因为中国人认为书法和书画总是紧密相连的。 One of the most distinctive characteristics that differentiates Chinese painting from other paintings can be the inscriptions on the paintings. For example, in Zhao Mengfu’s Sheep and Goat, inscriptions and painting almost take up equal proportion in the work, which does look “cluttered to Western viewers” (Kleiner, 1051) ...