
这是我们在2017年为英国爱丁堡大学的学妹创作的一篇经济管理类essay的范文,首先在开头的部分介绍文章的基本信息,首先提出电子游戏很容易在年轻人中流行起来,无论通过何种媒体都是如此,无论电视机、便携式笔记本电脑,或是目前最方便的设备智能手机。 It seems like video games are easy to become popular among young people no matter through what kinds of the media, for instance, from almost immovable TV set, portable laptop, to most convenient devices at the moment—smartphone. With the development of these electronic devices, which could be various media for playing digital games, the barriers for young people to participa ...

[代写范文]英国代写:marketing SWOT分析代写

这是我们在2017年为英国爱丁堡大学的学妹写的一篇marketing SWOT代写范文,本文是关于英国咨询市场分析的论文。英国的咨询市场包括英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰。我们的研究对象目前市场价值10亿英镑,成为第二大咨询公司。并且近年来增长率强劲,介于6%至10%之间,还被公认为欧洲增长最快的咨询市场。 It was reported on Consultancy.uk that the consulting market in UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The market is worth 10 billions GBP and it becomes the second largest consultancy location. The rate of growth performed strongly in recent years with ranging between 6% and 10%. Meanwhile, it is recognized as the fastest ...