
这是我们在2017年为加拿大多伦多大学的学弟学妹们创作的一篇人类学essay代写范文,开头部分先写出整篇文章的主题,指出对话风格是沟通的默契,认为谈话的方式似乎是仪式化的。在我们长大的文化背景下,人们学习了某种对某种刺激的反应模式。通过这种方式,我们的谈话方式变得自动化和仪式化。 Conversation style is a tacit dimension of communication. Tannen argued that the way of talking seems to be ritualized. In the cultural context we grow up in, people learned a certain pattern of reaction to a certain stimuli. In this way, our way of talking becomes automatic and ritualized. This conversation style play significant role in both our personal ...

[代写范文]加拿大culture essay代写

这是我们在2017年为加拿大多伦多大学的学妹写的一篇culture essay的范文,首先在开头部分用introduction的方式来介绍文章的相关背景信息,首先解释了“文化”这个词源自拉丁语 - “Cultus”,它是指从种植中获得的东西。它最初有两种含义,其中包括教堂和教堂文化。 The word “culture” is derived from the Latin language - “Cultus”, which refers to something obtained from cultivation. At the very beginning, it contains two kinds of meanings, including cultus deorum and cultus agori. The former represents to cultivate for worship, while the latter means to cultivate for living. Something other than culture indicates pro ...


这是我们在2017年为加拿大多伦多大学的学弟学妹们写的一篇金融投资组合论文代写,文章的主题是讨论PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000(PRF)采用基本加权策略来追踪FTSE RAFI US 1000指数。 其基本的加权策略是根据四个基本因素(包括账面价值,现金流量,销售额和股息)选择FTSE RAFI US 1000指数化股票中的股票。 Recent year have seen the rise of the smart beta ETFs. Different from traditional type ofETFs which passively track indexes by simply constructing funds based market capitalizatismall PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000 ( PRF ) apply fundamental weighted strategy to track FTSE RAFI US 1000 index. Its fundamental weighted stra ...

[代写范文]编号171223 加拿大会计原理代写

这是我们2017年为加拿大多伦多北郊的约克大学的客户创作的一篇关于accounting theory 的essay,以Role of conceptual framework for financial accounting为题,全文1500字,开头首先介绍相关背景,以introduction的形式让读者明白本文的主要作用。 According to IASB (2015), conceptual framework is a system of interconnected objectives and principles. The aim of financial reporting is identified by the objectives and the principles provide guidelines of how to achieve those objectives. Besides, those consistent concepts also help to develop new accounting standards and evaluate t ...