[代写范文]美国 东西方文化论文 范文展示

这是我们在2017年为美国南加州大学的学弟写的一篇东西文化类essay的范文,首先在开头部分以introduction的形式介绍文章的背景和主题,提出自“9•11”袭击以来,美国霸权与伊斯兰恐怖分子之间的关系已引起全球学者的关注。同时,叙利亚最近的公民战争也提醒全球公众对伊斯兰世界的关注。 Since the September 11 attacks, the relations between the American supremacy and Islamic Terrorist have been arisen global attention for academics. Meanwhile, the recent civic war in Syria also reminders the global public attention towards Islamic world. With the establishment of the Islamic State. Even recently, the incumbent American president banned ...