[代写范文]美国 bible essay 范文展示

这是我们为美国UCSD(University of California, San Diego)的学弟写的一篇Bible essay,首先在开头部分的introduction介绍相关的文章信息,指出这篇文章旨在评估我个人的精神成长,尽管我没有在一个有基督教信仰的儿童的环境中长大,但这并不妨碍我寻求精神的形成。 This essay intends to assess my personal spiritual growth. Though I did not grow up in an environment where children were imparted with Christian beliefs, that did not prevent me from seeking spiritual formation. In my opinion, spirituality is not necessarily associated with religion. Spirituality is about seeking our value and meaning of lif ...

[代写范文]编号171192 美国经济学论文代写

今天为大家展示的是我们在2017年为美国圣地亚哥州大学客户写作的范文essay,An Analysis of Unemployment and how to achieve the goal of full employment in US,是一篇经济学essay,全文2000字,首先是开头部分介绍文章的整体结构和所描述的问题。 According to the data released by the United States Department of Labor, it showed that by the time of 2017 in April, the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 211,000 and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.4 percent. Job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, health care and social assistance, financial activ ...