
这是我们在2017年为美国纽约大学的学妹创作的一篇marketing范文essay,首先在开头introduction的部分介绍文章的主要背景信息和想要传达的观点,首先介绍苹果公司成立于1976年,是一家生产计算机和软件产品的美国跨国公司。苹果最知名的产品是Mac compters,iPod和iPhone。苹果公司在加利福尼亚州成立,全球约有35,000名员工,每年的销售额可高达324.8亿美元。 Apple Inc, established in 1976, was an American multinational corporation that produces the computer and software products. The best-known products Apple are Mac compters, the iPod and the iPhone. Apple Inc was established in California and it has about 35,000 employees in the world and the sales o ...

[代写范文]编号171146 美国市场营销代写

这篇范文是我们为美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市南加大学生创作的一篇business的essay,主要内容是围绕日本经济环境来进行讨论的一篇商科essay,首先开头段落回顾日本经济发展历程,并且着重介绍2000以后的经济发展。 For the past 7 decades, Japan has developed into an advanced economy with government-industry cooperation, strong work ethic and high technology. Growth of Japanese economy slowed down in the 1990s due to inefficient investment and an asset price bubble in the late 1980s. Modest economic growth continued after 2000, but the economy has fallen into stagnation four times since 2008. Thanks ...