
這是我們在2017年為澳洲墨爾本大學的學妹寫的一篇語言學的essay範文,首先開頭部分介紹文章的主要研究內容,告訴讀者語素是一個語言學術語,是最小的語言單位。它不是一個獨立的語法單位,相反,它是構建單詞的材料。從構詞能力的角度來看,它可以分為自由語素和綁定語素。這些類型的語素由語言的基本單位組成,包括字符,單詞和句子。 Morpheme is a term of linguistics and is the smallest linguistic unit. A morpheme is the integrity of phoneme and semantic meaning. It is not an independent grammatical unit, instead, it is the material of constructing a word. For example, the word “generation” is consisted of its pronunciation and its meaning. Not a single one of the tw ...


這是我們在2017年為加拿大多倫多大學的學弟學妹們創作的一篇人類學essay代寫範文,開頭部分先寫出整篇文章的主題,指出對話風格是溝通的默契,認為談話的方式似乎是儀式化的。在我們長大的文化背景下,人們學習了某種對某種刺激的反應模式。通過這種方式,我們的談話方式變得自動化和儀式化。 Conversation style is a tacit dimension of communication. Tannen argued that the way of talking seems to be ritualized. In the cultural context we grow up in, people learned a certain pattern of reaction to a certain stimuli. In this way, our way of talking becomes automatic and ritualized. This conversation style play significant role in both our personal ...


這是我們在2017年為英國愛丁堡大學的學妹創作的一篇經濟管理類essay的範文,首先在開頭的部分介紹文章的基本信息,首先提出電子遊戲很容易在年輕人中流行起來,無論通過何種媒體都是如此,無論電視機、便攜式筆記本電腦,或是目前最方便的設備智能手機。 It seems like video games are easy to become popular among young people no matter through what kinds of the media, for instance, from almost immovable TV set, portable laptop, to most convenient devices at the moment—smartphone. With the development of these electronic devices, which could be various media for playing digital games, the barriers for young people to participa ...


這是我們在2017年為美國伊利諾伊香檳分校的學弟寫的一篇經濟學reflection的essay範文,首先在開頭部分寫出文章的背景信息,指出我們的團隊使用我們在課堂上學到的經濟理論為一家快遞公司找到了一份商業計劃書。在這份報告中,我們將會談論經濟理論的功能,我們使用的技能和應該改進的方面。 Our team figured out a business proposal for a courier company using the economic theory we had learnt during class. In this report, I will talk about the function of economic theory, the skills we used and what should be improved. After that, two jobs I want to take up and some communication skills I learnt from this group work will be introduced. 文章的b ...

[代寫範文]澳洲management case study代寫

這是我們在2017年為澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學的學妹寫的一篇management case study的範文,我們截取其中的一部分給大家做展示。首先是開頭部分的介紹,提供文章的背景分析和相關信息。 I am going to pass on Synergy and retain Premier. I choose this action in terms of several reasons. Firstly, if all five agencies are equally to win the review, my agency only has a success rate of 2%. Secondly, Premier Health has a stable relationship with my agency in the past and currently and contributes to a stable revenue and reputation. Establishing a long term and efficient business relation ...

[代寫範文]美國media 讀後感代寫

這是我們在2017年為美國紐約大學的學妹寫的一篇media的讀後感範文essay,首先在開頭部分用introduction的形式來介紹文章的主要內容,由於文化起源於生活,並且經常改造,因此文化不易被定義。 然而,雷蒙威廉斯給出了一個合理的文化定義,這與當時其他文化定義不同。 Culture cannot be defined easily since it origins from life and is always remodeled. However, Raymond Williams gave a reasonable definition of culture, which was different from other culture definitions at that time. Moreover, he found some scholars like Leavis dividing culture into two parts: one is elite culture for bourgeois intellectuals; one is mass cultu ...


這是我們在2017年為美國紐約大學的學妹創作的一篇marketing範文essay,首先在開頭introduction的部分介紹文章的主要背景信息和想要傳達的觀點,首先介紹蘋果公司成立於1976年,是一家生產計算機和軟件產品的美國跨國公司。蘋果最知名的產品是Mac compters,iPod和iPhone。蘋果公司在加利福尼亞州成立,全球約有35,000名員工,每年的銷售額可高達324.8億美元。 Apple Inc, established in 1976, was an American multinational corporation that produces the computer and software products. The best-known products Apple are Mac compters, the iPod and the iPhone. Apple Inc was established in California and it has about 35,000 employees in the world and the sales o ...

[代寫範文]加拿大culture essay代寫

這是我們在2017年為加拿大多倫多大學的學妹寫的一篇culture essay的範文,首先在開頭部分用introduction的方式來介紹文章的相關背景信息,首先解釋了“文化”這個詞源自拉丁語 - “Cultus”,它是指從種植中獲得的東西。它最初有兩種含義,其中包括教堂和教堂文化。 The word “culture” is derived from the Latin language - “Cultus”, which refers to something obtained from cultivation. At the very beginning, it contains two kinds of meanings, including cultus deorum and cultus agori. The former represents to cultivate for worship, while the latter means to cultivate for living. Something other than culture indicates pro ...

[代寫範文]美國business management論文代寫

這是我們在2017年為美國普渡大學的學妹寫的一篇business management的essay範文,我們截取了其中幾個段落給大家分享,第一個是成本收益分析,這是一種工具,用於評估哪種方案在長期和短期內最具成本效益。 Cost-benefit analysis is a tool to evaluate which proposed option is the most cost-efficient in the long-term and in the short-term through identifying the cost of each project to determine whether the option is feasible financially. Through the valuation of different options in terms of the benefit-cost ratio, a business can develop their project more efficient, contributing to continuo ...


這是我們在2017年為新加坡國立大學的學妹寫的一篇教育學論文代寫範文,首先在開頭部分以introduction的形式來介紹文章的背景信息,指出語言教學法介紹了三種主要的教學方法。分別是語法翻譯,音樂語言學和交際語言教學。同時作者還提出了三個關鍵原則來幫助個人制定相應的課堂學習方法。 The first chapter, Language Teaching Methodology, introduced three main teaching methods. They are grammar-translation, audiolingualism and communicative language teaching. The author also set out three key principles to help developing personal classroom approaches, which are evolving your own personal methodology, focusing on learners and building instru ...