[代寫範文]澳洲organization behavior論文代寫


Biem is a newly founded technical company. It is about build up its organizational culture to manage its talents. The core values of the culture should be able to influence its employees internally and externally. Biem regards Open Communication as the most important core value for the company. This report will provide three convenient methods for the company to build up its organizational culture.


It is a dynamic process to form an organizational culture. Successful organizational culture can be a fixed thinking mode for its workers. It will influence the company in an aspect of the ideological level. And this benign influence can be reflected from corporate personality, employee behavior and mental power (Woodbury, 2006). Then it is important in order to build up proper organizational culture in the company. In order to build up a culture with open communication character. At first, Biem should create a pleasant working environment for its employees. Trust is the basic requirement for managers to treat the members of the group. It is necessary to endow each member to accountable for its work scope. The management principle can be result oriented and it requires the members to finish the tasks with highly efficient and accurate result. We allow employees to make mistakes (in the limited range), but it requires them to be honest for the managers. The workers can learn the lessons from the mistakes. And the managers should have a clear idea and division for the responsibilities and performances for the members in the corporation. On the other hand, the members can express their views freely (Austin, 2008). Biem can build up feedback channels with the development of technologies.


In conclusion, it introduced three methods for Biem to build up its open communication culture. In human resource management aspect, it should make clear about the responsibilities and rights for the members in Biem. And the proper training processes will be a necessary part for the employees to grow with the company. Then it is also vital for the company to build up its brand image in the market. At last, the company also needs to take measures to maintain and improve its communication system for the members to express their opinions about the company.




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