

Morpheme is a term of linguistics and is the smallest linguistic unit. A morpheme is the integrity of phoneme and semantic meaning. It is not an independent grammatical unit, instead, it is the material of constructing a word. For example, the word “generation” is consisted of its pronunciation and its meaning. Not a single one of the two can be dispensed with. Basically, morpheme can be divided into 5 types from 2 different perspectives: it can be divided into monosyllabic morpheme, disyllabic morpheme and polysyllabic morpheme from the perspective of syllable; it can be divided into free morpheme and bound morpheme from the perspective of the capability of word-building. These types of morphemes consist of basic unit of language, including characters, words and sentences. Morphology is the branch of morpheme-related linguistics research. It focuses on a word’s internal construction and word-building. Morpheme is limited by morphology from the angle of pronunciation and the form of a word.


From the chosen word of this text, we can notice the simplified morphology. Most words in this text are simple words or monosyllabic words, such as cast, stand and fall. However, most words are carefully chosen to make this text concise and easy to understand. Some of this text uses non-standard English, such as “she’s”, “can’t”, “shall” and so on. So this text can be improved from the perspective of word-choosing.

最後在conclusion的部分表明自己的觀點,從形態學的角度來看,講者是遭受種族歧視和性別歧視的黑人女性。這些人都要求反對種族歧視和性別歧視。當時在美國,大多數婦女和黑人都處於種族隔離的壓抑之下。 一群人希望大多數白人都能聽到他們爭取權利的聲音。 但是,還不夠強大,不足以被聽見。

From the aspect of morphology, the speakers are blacks and women who suffered from racial discrimination and sexual discrimination. These people kept solidarity and fought against the racial and sexual discrimination. It was a time when advanced transports are not so popular. In American, most women and blacks were under depression of apartheid. The group of people hoped that their voice of striving for rights can be heard by most white people. However, this text is not strong enough to gain such effect because of the simple words and expression.




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