

Western movies depict the conquest of the wild land and the subordination of nature in the name of civilization. The protagonists of western movies are usually cowboys, gunfighters, and hunters. This genre of films was first put on the screen at the end of 19th century, and gained widespread popularity in the 1930s. In the following decades, western films have kept developing and showed a trend of becoming increasingly realistic.


Western films are turning more realistic in the images of the protagonists. The classic western films, as we know, portray their protagonists as great heroes, who can be wanderers or cowboys. Heroes always save people in need from the gangs. For instance, in the Magnificent Seven, a western film in the 1960s, the seven protagonists are gunfighters hired to protect the villagers from a gang of bandits who are much larger in numbers. They fight bravely against the bandits. But unlike conventional western films where heroes always win in the end, four of the seven gunmen get killed in the end. Their images have changed from invincible heroes to more realistic characters who both win and lose in the battle.

最後是結尾部分的conclusion總結,指出美國西部電影已經以各種方式變得現實。 影片中的主角們從偉大的英雄到普通人,人物之間的關係也漸漸不太具有傳奇色彩。

To sum up, western films in the US have become realistic in various ways. The protagonists in the film develop from great heroes to more normal people in their images; the relationship of characters are less legendary but set in a more detailed background; and the landscape of the film changes from wildness to more beautiful views.





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