

In current society, the great breakthrough of Internet has changed business modes a lot. More and more business organizations have shifted their attention from traditional business modes to new modes, under which E-Commerce has increasingly become popular. Not only business participators, but also academic scholars have focused their attention to E-Commerce. The majority of people hold that E-Commerce makes business organization take incremental advances in business progress (Lumpkin et al., 2002). Considering the Internet has increasingly become the part of human life, E-Commerce has become an inevitable trend for business operation. Therefore, it is necessary for a business organization to gain competitive advantage through E-Commerce.

中間的body部分介紹文章的具體論點和論據,指出本報告旨在確定電子商務的優勢並為科技有限公司形成電子商務戰略。由於電子商務的重要性已被廣泛接受,因此公司必須使用電子商務解決方案 獲得競爭優勢。 但是,在推行電子商務的過程中,還會面臨很多挑戰,這些挑戰也應該得到有效識別。

The objective of this report to identify the advantage of E-Commerce and form an E-Commerce strategy for S&T Ltd. Since the importance of E-Commerce has been largely accepted, it is essential for the company to use an E-Commerce solution to gain the competitive edge. However, during the process to introduce an E-Commerce, there will be lots of challenges, which should be effectively identified as well. Therefore, in the first part, this report identifies the advantage to adopt an E-Commerce strategy for the future development of S&T through theoretical level. Then, this report analyses why the company should invest in Information Technology (IT) to automate its business activities. Finally, this report evaluates the challenges and difficulties of introducing an E-Commerce strategy so as to help S&T to adopt the strategy effectively. S&T Ltd is a family owned retailer. Since its invention in 2011, the company has expanded its business largely. To begin with, the company was a single shop. Five years later, the company has 30 different shops in different areas. In order to make a great difference, the company aims to operate more than 12 shops next year. Since E-Commerce has become a critical strategy for its future development, more and more suppliers and customers make great efforts to persuade the owners take IT more extensively. But the owner wonders whether he can benefit from the E-Commerce. This part mainly uses the advantages of E-Commerce.

最後conclusion的部分總結前文的觀點,並給出相應的建議,基於互聯網的電子商務越來越成為組織保持競爭優勢的重要業務模式。對科學技術沒有期望。 為了實現更高的性能,公司有必要廣泛採用IT技術,因為電子商務和IT確實有助於實現這一目標。

In conclusion, E-Commerce based on Internet has increasingly become an important business mode for an organization to maintain competitive edge. There is no expectation for S&T. In order to achieve a higher performance, it is necessary for the company to adopt IT extensively because E-Commerce and IT indeed helps the company to maintain competitive edges. Owing to E-Commerce and IT, S&T takes advantage of maintaining the competitive edge and sustainable development. First of all, the company can be benefit from cost reduction. Not only in communication with others, but also the cost reduction exists in various administrate things such as travel expenditure and documents costs. Then, IT plays an important role in improving business efficiency by introducing new products and services. More importantly, via IT and E-commerce, S&T is able to differentiate from others. Owing to IT, S&T can leave a deep impression on customers so as to strengthen its brand effectively. In addition, implementation of IT also means that there is a favourable opportunity for the company to improve its quality in both products and information system, which in turn improve its benefits.





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