
這是我們在2017年為澳洲卧龍崗大學的學弟學妹做的一篇教育學論文代寫。本文主要是介紹APST教學標準,APST標準包括七個標準,每個標準涵蓋幾個重點。 這七項標準包括:(1)了解學生及其學習方法;(2)了解教學內容和教學方式;(3)有效教學和學習的計劃和實施;(4)創建和維護安全和支持性 學習環境,(5)對學生學習進行評估,反饋和報告,(6)積極開展專業學習和思考,(7)為學校和專業團體做出貢獻(QCT,2011)。 這七個標準可以分為學習者的知識,學科內容和學科教學知識,教學過程管理,環境管理,評價和教師專業發展策略,

APST Standards include seven standards, and each standards covers several focuses. The seven standards include: (1) understanding students and how they learn, (2) knowing the teaching content and the way of teaching, (3) Plan and implementation of effective teaching and learning, (4) Creating and maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment, (5) making assessment, feedback and reporting on the student learning, (6) actively carrying out professional learning and reflection, and (7) making contributions to the school and professional groups (QCT, 2011). The seven standards can be divided into learners' knowledge, subject content and subject teaching knowledge, teaching process management, environmental management, evaluation and teacher professional development strategies, which proposes specific requirements for teachers' professional development from the actual professional behavior of teachers. Most of these dimensions are directly related to learners, and teachers' professional development strategies also serve to promote learners' learning indirectly.

In standards 1, understanding students and how they learn, teachers should command the knowledge related to the students, including including students' backgrounds (race, religion, etc.) and their physical condition (physical development, intellectual development level, social cognitive level, etc.), learning and understanding ability, and interest (QCT, 2011). Australia is a multicultural country, different children may grow up in different cultural environment, such as language, race, religion and other aspects (AITSL, 2011). Therefore, understanding and respecting the cultural differences of students is important, and teachers should adopt corresponding teaching strategies according to these differences, so as to better promote the healthy growth of students. In addition, children of different ages in physics, psychology, intelligence, learning, understanding, interests are varying, so teachers should understand these differences in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes.

In Standard 2, knowing the teaching content and the way of teaching, teachers should command the subject knowledge, including subject content, pedagogical knowledge, curriculum, and information and communication technology knowledge (QCT, 2011). Novice teachers need to master the concepts, components, and basic applications of the knowledge. Mature teachers should not only have the basic requirements of novice teachers, but also have higher professional knowledge (Queensland Government, 2016). Mature teachers should skillfully apply this knowledge to their educational environment, who also can share their knowledge with novice teachers, so as to drive the other teachers to improve their understanding of subject knowledge and application.

在標準1中,了解學生及其學習方式,教師應掌握與學生有關的知識,包括學生的背景(種族,宗教等)及其身體狀況(身體發育,智力發展水平,社會認知水平, 等等),學習和理解能力以及興趣。

在標準2中,教師要了解教學內容和教學方式,掌握學科知識,包括學科內容,教學知識,課程設置和信息與通信技術知識(QCT,2011)。 新手老師需要掌握知識的概念,組件和基本應用。 成熟的教師不僅要具備新手教師的基本要求,而且要具備較高的專業知識。





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