[代寫範文]美國地理essay代寫 範文展示

這是我們在2017年為美國紐約大學的學弟學妹們寫的一篇地理類essay,開篇introduction介紹文章的背景和相關的信息,指出位於戈馬以北18公里處的尼拉貢戈火山位於非洲中東部,人口為60萬。尼拉貢戈山有世界上最大的持續熔岩湖,直徑200米。 直徑1.3公里,這是一個山頂火山口。 它比戈馬的高度高1.5公里。

Mount Nyiragongo, which is 18 km north of Goma, locates on east-central Africa with population of 600,000. Mount Nyiragongo has the largest persistent lava lake in the world which is 200 m diameter. The diameter is 1.3 km, which is a summit crater. It is 1.5 km higher than Goma’s altitude.

Mount nyiragongo is caused by the rifting from the crust of earth, in which two parts of the African Plate are breaking apart(Demant, Lestrade et al., 1994), Mount nyiragongo is a composite volcano. There is great activity at Nyiragongo because of the hot spot. The lava emitted in eruptions at Mount Nyiragongo is unusually fluid which are made of melilite nephelinite. It is an alkali-rich type of volcanic rock. the unusual chemical composition of which might be a factor causing the unusual fluidity of lavas.

中間的body部分繼續闡述自己的觀點並且加以佐證,指出儘管存在潛在危險的危險,但由於其肥沃的火山土壤和靠近湖泊,人們仍然有很大的吸引力。 而且,破壞給了他們建造更大房屋的機會。尼拉貢戈山每年都吸引着來自世界各地的遊客。由於大自然的一面,爆發火山更容易看到,並且正在吹紅熱灰。

Despite the potentially dangerous dangers, there is still a great attraction to the people because of its fertile volcanic soil and close to the lake. What’s more, the destruction gave them the opportunity to build bigger houses.

The prime advantage of mount Nyiragongo is tourism(Erfurt-Cooper and Cooper, 2010). Mount Nyiragongo attracts visitors from worldwide every year. Erupting volcano is much easier to see and is blow red hot ash because of the wilder side of nature. Even the less active ones with steam and smoke have become impressive sights. Such sights have attracted many tourists from worldwide. Around mount Nyiragongo, many interesting places such as warm bathing lake, steam vents, and bubbling pools locate there. Jobs in markes, restaurants, hotels and parks are also created by tourism. Mount Nyiragongo is much important in the process of transforming eastern Congo into a tourist attraction for optimistic businessmen. Operators of tour also hire porters to carry tents as well as hiring tourism guides and teaching English.


There are precursory signals for eruption of Nyiragongo. The observatory staff is also preparing plans for risk mitigation and evacuation for when Nyiragongo next erupts. There is a system of colors and sirens to advise the population if they need to evacuate Goma. Outside the observatory, a tattered flag hangs above a faded billboard warning residents of the different levels of alerts.

Is it worth living near volcano? The localized carbon dioxide, which is also known as mazuku, has killed many children. Without the wind’s dispersing effects, its effects can be deadly in places where the gas spread from high levels. For most people, Nyiragongo with a vast lake of fire is in the state of slumbering menace. According to local reports, however, a new vent in the northeast crater edge had been discovered on March 8th, 2016. Following by are rumblings from the volcano. More specifically, this could lead to a flank eruption in the near future. That’s mean people in such region are under great dangerous every day. Considering so many drawbacks from eruption, it is better not to live near volcano.




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