
這是我們在2017年為美國紐約大學的學妹創作的一篇marketing範文essay,首先在開頭introduction的部分介紹文章的主要背景信息和想要傳達的觀點,首先介紹蘋果公司成立於1976年,是一家生產計算機和軟件產品的美國跨國公司。蘋果最知名的產品是Mac compters,iPod和iPhone。蘋果公司在加利福尼亞州成立,全球約有35,000名員工,每年的銷售額可高達324.8億美元。

Apple Inc, established in 1976, was an American multinational corporation that produces the computer and software products. The best-known products Apple are Mac compters, the iPod and the iPhone. Apple Inc was established in California and it has about 35,000 employees in the world and the sales of each year can be up to 32.48 billion U.S. dollars. Fortune Magazine regards Apple as the most admired company in the world in 2009 (Abed, 2017).


Apple focuses on pursuing excellence and innovation and Apple pays much attention to cooperation. It is committed to developing in a stable step and accept risks when deal with financial investment. It is devoted to share dividends with their shareholders and maintain a permanent relationship with their shareholders. Apple is committed to developing in a stable tempo and offers the customers the products which they truly need, and therefore, Apple’s production phase is short and delivers the new products to the market every year. The mission of Apple is to create the best mobile phone to their customer in the world Market (Abed, 2017).

最後在conclusion的部分再次給出自己的觀點,指出蘋果公司的決策非常具有戰略意義。在這樣明智的決定下,蘋果的現狀確實是樂觀的。 但是儘管如此,蘋果也面臨著一些威脅,因此,蘋果需要採取積極措施,制定更明智的決策,克服困難,這樣才能持續的獲得可觀的利潤。

The decision making of Apple Inc is rather strategic. Under such wise decision, the current situation of Apple is truly optimistic. Nevertheless, Apple is also faced with several threats, therefore, Apple take positive measures to device more wise decisions and overcome the difficulties and gain considerable profits.




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