[代寫範文]美國media essay代寫範文展示

這是我們在2017年為美國伊利諾伊香檳分校的學弟學妹們寫的一篇media essay 代寫,以The Compare and Contrast of Film Development and Communication of U.S. Hollywood and China為題,開篇introduction部分介紹主題的相關內容,全球化使文化消化和融合,同時它也不斷改變各種原始文化特徵,形成多樣化的新形勢。 追求利潤的資本從經濟領域延伸到促進文化全球化進程的文化領域。文化全球化是文化領域資本主義發展的反映。這部電影作為文化先驅,是組織和表達資本的重要媒體,因此資本自然會充分利用電影製作和傳播的各個空間。 本文將比較和對比中國和美國電影的產業,意識形態和技術。

Globalization makes digestion and convergence of cultures, and at the same time, it also continue to transform a variety of original characteristics of culture, forming diversified new situations (Denby, 2012). It is the pursuit of capitals for profits that extends from the economic field to the cultural field, which promotes the process of cultural globalization (Denby, 2012). The cultural globalization is the reflection of capitalist development in the field of culture. The film, as a cultural pioneer, is an important media of organization and expression of capitals, so the capitals will naturally make full use of every space for film production and communication. This paper will compare and contrast the industry, ideology and technology of films in China and the US. They both gained favorable box office in 2015, but they produced different film types, ideologies and technologies.

好萊塢的穩步發展離不開當地市場。經過一個多世紀的不斷創新,美國電影市場進入了均衡發展的階段,電影,觀眾和電影構成了穩定的自我流通體系,幾乎排除了所有外部挑戰。 好萊塢電影市場也形成了商業大片和獨立作品的格局。憑藉強大的產業優勢和創造力,好萊塢製作了大量高科技視覺奇觀電影,如災難片,科幻片,幻想片和動作片。

The steady development of Hollywood was inseparable from the local market. After more than a century of continuous innovation, the American film market has entered a phase of balanced development, so the cinema, audiences and film constitute a stable self circulation system, which shut out almost all external challenges (Child, 2015). The Hollywood film market has also formed a pattern of commercial blockbusters and independent works. Relying on a strong industrial advantage and creative power, Hollywood produced a large number of high-tech visual spectacle movies, such as disaster, science fiction, fantasy, and action movies. In 2015, 691 films were released in North America, but the box office was mainly contributed by blockbusters (Statista, 2016). The top fifty box office in North America contributed 71% of its total box office, of which up to 27 movies were based on high tech magic, science fiction, and action movies. The 27 films grossed more than $5 billion, accounting for 73.6% of the first fifty movies and 52.2% of the total box office in North America(Statista, 2016). The top ten movies in the box office were also full of sci-fi action blockbusters, including animated cartoons. This fully reflected Hollywood movie highly concentrated in sci-fi action blockbusters, which attracted the audiences. 70% of the top ten films belonged to the series of films(Statista, 2016). On the one hand, it could reduce the risk, enhance brand effect, and create derivative products; on the other hand, it showed the Hollywood also in the bottleneck of creation, pioneering and original development to some extent.

最後conclusion的部分,總結文章的論點,重申此文對中國和美國電影的產業,意識形態和技術進行了比較和對比,隨着全球化的加速,每個國家的電影都很快被強制進入這一過程,在全球文化中佔有重要地位。 這將深刻影響電影的世界地圖。

All in all, it has compared and contrasted the industry, ideology and technology of films in China and the US. With the acceleration of globalization, each country's movies have been quickly coerced into this process, occupying an important position in the global culture. This will profoundly influence the world map of the film. The gradual establishment of a new global film ecology, on the one hand, constitutes a challenge to the world hegemony of Hollywood, and on the other hand, it is possible to promote the rise of cultural pluralism.

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