

The purpose of this proposal is to investigate the popularity of hot-pot in Queenstown, New Zealand which includes the needs and the market for such cuisine. Queenstown, known for its adventurous activities which boots its tourism, is the most wild and ontic of the most attractive places in the country. Situated in the south-western, unspoilt,  South Island mountain areas, Queenstown exits solely around a lake called Wakatipu. It is also nestled in amongst towering rugged mountains including Cecil Peak, Queenstown Hill, Walter Peak as well as Ben Lomond. The area around Queenstown is formed by mountains and canyons and long twisting rivers also there are lakes, forests and fresh air from the mountains. In short, it is one of the best creation of mother nature. So far, there are over 30 hot-pot restaurant in Queenstown. Among them, more than 5 restaurants are posted on Tripadvisor, which is one of the world’s most visited tourism sites, as popular restaurants (Blumberg, 2008). The context of this proposal is to handout questionnaires to pedestrian, tourist as well as locals so as to conduct market research before opening an actual shop in Queenstown (Becken, 2013).

再來分析具體的情況,客戶的來源對於餐廳的成功至關重要,為了收集儘可能多的信息,所有參與這項研究的人都將被分成不同的小組,以便對餐廳有一個更準確的定義。 這項研究主要針對消費者對當地居民和遊客的偏好,因此該市場調查的目標受眾是具有不同職業,年齡,性別,種族等的消費者。

The source of customers is essential to the success of a restaurant and in order to gather as much information as possible, all the people involved in this research will be specifically divided into different groups so that there would be a more precise definition for the restaurant. The research mainly targets the preferences of consumers for both locals and tourists and therefore the targeted audience for this marketing research are consumers with different profession, age, gender, race and etc. Questions such as “how often do it go to a hot-pot restaurant?”, “What flavor of the soup in hot-pot do it prefer? spicy, sweet, sour or salty?” Moreover, questions involving the price and the positioning of the restaurant would be in the questionnaires as well (Brown, 1997). For instance, questions such as “How much do it think a hop-pot dinner should cost per person?” and “Do it think hot-pot is a high-end cuisine?” would be asked. Finally, questions involving the location of the restaurant would be asked. For example, “What place do it think a hot-pot restaurant should be located?” .


Those larger part from claiming systems fit under a standout amongst six categories: (1) optional research, (2) surveys, (3) concentrate groups, (4) interviews, (5) observation, or (6) experiments/field trials. Secondary investigation is merely the basic method of the whole market research. The rest of them are preliminary studies of different tastes. Secondary research is merely the act of  searching for existing research and data.  Secondary information can be data of the US Census. It also can be collected from Twitter comments, journals, and so on(Lin et al., 2011). It is best that it is often free to get secondary research. It is usually fast to get. To find existing data is the work as a secondary researcher that can be used to the particular project.  However, sometimes it is not able to get secondary information which can meet the requirement of the research. If so, to have their own elementary survey become necessary. Moreover, the rest market research methods can also be used (Lin et al., 2011).




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