[代寫範文]英國代寫:marketing SWOT分析代寫

這是我們在2017年為英國愛丁堡大學的學妹寫的一篇marketing SWOT代寫範文,本文是關於英國諮詢市場分析的論文。英國的諮詢市場包括英格蘭,蘇格蘭,威爾士和北愛爾蘭。我們的研究對象目前市場價值10億英鎊,成為第二大諮詢公司。並且近年來增長率強勁,介於6%至10%之間,還被公認為歐洲增長最快的諮詢市場。

It was reported on Consultancy.uk that the consulting market in UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The market is worth 10 billions GBP and it becomes the second largest consultancy location. The rate of growth performed strongly in recent years with ranging between 6% and 10%. Meanwhile, it is recognized as the fastest growing consulting market in Europe. In 2012, the total revenue of the sector was approximately 7.4 billion GBP; afterwards with the double-digit growth in 2014, the total fee is worth 10 billion GBP (Figure 1).


SWOT is an analytical method to evaluate internal and external environment to define marketing strategy, and it refers to Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This method is applied in this report to analyze advantages and disadvantages of JMD, identity challenges and opportunities, which could be used to overcome the positive factors and avoid potential threats in the market. The details are described in the chart below.


The consulting is an oligopoly market and most media companies could supply similar service (Sadler 2001), over 60% market is occupied by the big four consulting firms which could provide more related service other than just advices on sector of management. Most large or medium consulting companies occupied most of the profitable opportunities while small consulting companies would deal with more competitive and economic situations in the market. (Zimmerman, et, al, 2004). Consulting industry is lack of government’s support which could generate abstract for small consulting firms to enter this market without financial or technological support.

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