
這是我們在2017年為英國萊斯特大學的學弟學妹們寫的一篇公共關係論文代寫範文,首先在introduction的部分中介紹文章的背景和相關信息,文獻中的爭論是關於媒體是否是影響個人決策過程和實際行為的有力工具。 一方面,人們認為媒體在影響個人決策和行為方面起着重要作用。 另一方面,一些學者和研究人員認為媒體對個人決策和行為的影響是有限的。以下是公共關係論文代寫範文:

The debate in the literature is about whether or not media is a powerful tool influencing individuals’ decision process and actual behaviors. On the one side, people hold a view that media plays an important role in influencing individuals’ decision making and behaviors. On the other side, some academics and researchers argue that media influence to individuals’ decision making and behaviors is limited. The intend publics in this conference are media practitioners, such as statesman who apply media as tools in political propaganda, people working in educational industry, and of the main participates are people working in the media industry and professionals and academics in the field of media. The client in this conference includes statesman, educational practitioners and media practitioners and researchers.

Generally, the conference is an opportunities gathering the professionals and academics in the field of media. Media is suggested as an effective tool in influencing individuals’ political ideas. However, in the case of the research on the variations of public opinions on the Iraq war in 2003, public opinions did not show a significant change with abundant news resources relating to the conflict (Sparks, 2010 p.44). In this sense, the conference provides an opportunity for statesman to reassess their application of media in political propaganda. As political propaganda is a kind of investment, statesman should know whether their application media is efficient and effective in practice. The political application of media is also connected with the field of psychology. In the case of the political propaganda in the wartime, media influence was not an effective tool to motivate individuals to go to battlefields (Sparks 2010, p.54). In this sense, both psychological conditions of individuals and external environment influence individuals’ decision making and behaviors. Statesman could deepen their understanding in media influence for more efficient and effective media application.

In addition to political application, media, such as movies and cartoon are suggested to have a strong impact on individuals’ attitude and behaviors in specific fields, such as violence movie is suggested to motivate children to assault their peers. However, the Payne Fund studies demonstrates that the link between the content in movies and the actual behaviors of individuals is not always existed (Sparks 2010, p.48). If the link in some cases is existed, the movie producers should fully consider it in film making in order to minimize the negative influence of media towards individuals. In this sense, this conference provides media practitioners to reassess the content of media in order to minimize the negative influence of media to individuals, especially children and youngsters. The conference also welcomes the policy-maker in this field to enact policies to minimize the negative influence of media and guide the production of the media industry. As the media has an impact on children’s behaviors, parents are encouraged to participated in this conference. Moreover, people who are interested in this debate on media influence are also encouraged to participate in this conference.

In conclusion, the main target client is statesman, educational practitioners and media practitioners. The conference can help them apply media more properly and efficiently in specific fields and minimize the negative consequences.

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