[代寫範文]編號171184 美國社會心理學代寫

今天為大家展示一篇範文essay,來自我們2017年為美國西雅圖太平洋大學的客戶所寫的一篇心理學assignment,主要是圍繞Intergroup Bias來進行分析,全文4500字,今天我們部分節選來為大家做展示,首先是introduction的部分,把本文需要研究和發表的問題觀點大致陳述一下,讓讀者心裡有數,知道我們要寫的和要研究的方向是什麼。 Intergroup bias is a term coined to describe the prejudicial attitudes held among members of the in-group against members of the out-group, where the word intergroup aims to describe psychological phenomena across groups, and where bias may be roughly defined as the existence of discriminatory behavior. Intergroup bias en ...

[代寫範文]編號171172 美國商科marketing代寫

這是我們在2017年為美國密西西比大學的客戶寫作的essay範文,本篇文章是marketing的assignment類文章,開頭我們照例是introduction,介紹我們的寫作對象Wang Hotpot,讓讀者對這家公司有個大概的了解,知道我們要研究的對象是誰。 Wang Hotpot is a competitive hot pot maker in Chinese catering industry. Founded in Shanghai in November 2009, Wang Hotpot has been developed into a national-scale chain enterprises with approximately 50 branches located in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, as well as all over main China. The basic cuisine offered by Wang Hotpot is the combination of Cantonese st ...

[代寫範文]編號171146 美國市場營銷代寫

這篇範文是我們為美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市南加大學生創作的一篇business的essay,主要內容是圍繞日本經濟環境來進行討論的一篇商科essay,首先開頭段落回顧日本經濟發展歷程,並且着重介紹2000以後的經濟發展。 For the past 7 decades, Japan has developed into an advanced economy with government-industry cooperation, strong work ethic and high technology. Growth of Japanese economy slowed down in the 1990s due to inefficient investment and an asset price bubble in the late 1980s. Modest economic growth continued after 2000, but the economy has fallen into stagnation four times since 2008. Thanks ...

[代寫範文]編號171144 美國歷史論文代寫

這是我們在2017年代寫的一篇美國歷史essay範文,客戶來自美國新澤西州新澤西理工大學,這篇essay是歷史類的,題目是Worlds Together, World Apart副標題是A Comparative Analysis of the Main Concerns of the Mongol, Chinese and Indian Rulers upon Raising and Equipping their Troops in the Age of Mongols這篇essay的要求是對蒙古、中國和印度統治者在蒙古時代提高部隊裝備的主要問題進行比較分析,開頭首先是introduction的介紹,這個部分最重要的是語句精鍊,言簡意賅,層次分明,我們的開頭是這樣寫的: Only when armed forces, as the gatekeeper of the national interests, are consistently strengthened and consolidated, a nation or a society can gain the basic ...