
這是我們在2017年為加拿大多倫多大學的學弟學妹們創作的一篇人類學essay代寫範文,開頭部分先寫出整篇文章的主題,指出對話風格是溝通的默契,認為談話的方式似乎是儀式化的。在我們長大的文化背景下,人們學習了某種對某種刺激的反應模式。通過這種方式,我們的談話方式變得自動化和儀式化。 Conversation style is a tacit dimension of communication. Tannen argued that the way of talking seems to be ritualized. In the cultural context we grow up in, people learned a certain pattern of reaction to a certain stimuli. In this way, our way of talking becomes automatic and ritualized. This conversation style play significant role in both our personal ...

[代寫範文]加拿大culture essay代寫

這是我們在2017年為加拿大多倫多大學的學妹寫的一篇culture essay的範文,首先在開頭部分用introduction的方式來介紹文章的相關背景信息,首先解釋了“文化”這個詞源自拉丁語 - “Cultus”,它是指從種植中獲得的東西。它最初有兩種含義,其中包括教堂和教堂文化。 The word “culture” is derived from the Latin language - “Cultus”, which refers to something obtained from cultivation. At the very beginning, it contains two kinds of meanings, including cultus deorum and cultus agori. The former represents to cultivate for worship, while the latter means to cultivate for living. Something other than culture indicates pro ...


這是我們在2017年為加拿大多倫多大學的學弟學妹們寫的一篇金融投資組合論文代寫,文章的主題是討論PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000(PRF)採用基本加權策略來追蹤FTSE RAFI US 1000指數。 其基本的加權策略是根據四個基本因素(包括賬麵價值,現金流量,銷售額和股息)選擇FTSE RAFI US 1000指數化股票中的股票。 Recent year have seen the rise of the smart beta ETFs. Different from traditional type ofETFs which passively track indexes by simply constructing funds based market capitalizatismall PowerShare FTSE RAFI US 1000 ( PRF ) apply fundamental weighted strategy to track FTSE RAFI US 1000 index. Its fundamental weighted stra ...

[代寫範文]編號171223 加拿大會計原理代寫

這是我們2017年為加拿大多倫多北郊的約克大學的客戶創作的一篇關於accounting theory 的essay,以Role of conceptual framework for financial accounting為題,全文1500字,開頭首先介紹相關背景,以introduction的形式讓讀者明白本文的主要作用。 According to IASB (2015), conceptual framework is a system of interconnected objectives and principles. The aim of financial reporting is identified by the objectives and the principles provide guidelines of how to achieve those objectives. Besides, those consistent concepts also help to develop new accounting standards and evaluate t ...