
這是我們在2017年為英國曼徹斯特大學的學弟寫的一篇英國會計論文代寫範文,首先在開頭部分用introduction的方式介紹文章的背景信息,2016年,美國最大的銀行Wells Fargo承認,其僱員未經客戶授權創建了多達200萬個帳戶,這些欺詐活動導致客戶無端被收取費用。這起醜聞令公眾失望,人們失去了對銀行的信任。由於篇幅限制,節選部分英國會計論文代寫範文展示。 In 2016, the biggest American bank Wells Fargo admitted that its employees had created as many as 2 million accounts without authorization from customers, and these fraudulent activities caused customers to incur fees. This scandal disappointed the public and people lost trust in Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo terminated ...