[代寫範文]澳洲organization behavior論文代寫

這是我們在2017年為澳洲悉尼大學的學弟寫的一篇組織行為學的essay範文,首先在開頭部分通過introduction的方式來介紹文章的基本內容,提出Biem是一家新成立的技術公司。並且提出要建立其組織文化來管理其人才。文化的核心價值觀應該能夠影響內部和外部的員工,所以Biem將開放式交流視為公司最重要的核心價值。 Biem is a newly founded technical company. It is about build up its organizational culture to manage its talents. The core values of the culture should be able to influence its employees internally and externally. Biem regards Open Communication as the most important core value for the company. This report will provide three convenient met ...

[代寫範文]澳洲finance book review代寫

這是我們在2017年為澳洲悉尼大學的學妹寫的一篇finance book review的essay範文,首先在開頭部分用introduction的方式來介紹文章的背景信息,提出銀行存款占現代經濟貨幣的大部分。 雖然通過標準貨幣乘數模型來說明銀行存款創建的過程是一種常見的做法,但真實世界中發生的時候卻並不是這樣的場面。 Bank deposits account for the majority part of money in the modern economy. While it is a common practice to illustrate the process of bank deposits’ creation by the standard money multiplier model, what happens in the real world is difference. The article “Money Creation in the Modern Economy” clarifies two common misconceptions in the t ...


這是我們在2017年為澳洲悉尼卧龍崗大學的學弟學妹們寫的一篇藝術類essay,開頭部分先介紹背景信息,Chris Shilling在他的書“身體和社會理論”中聲稱,瑪麗道格拉斯的作品中的主題是“社會身體限制身體被感知和體驗的方式”。換句話說,對於道格拉斯來說,社會決定我們的外表(穿着)和我們的舉止。道格拉斯對自我與社會之間關係的考慮的確傳達了關於我們生活與社會的一種真理。 Chris Shilling claims in his book, The Body and Social Theory (1993), that the general theme in Mary Douglas’s work is the concept that “the social body constrains how the physical body is perceived and experienced” (Shilling 2003, p. 65). In other words, for Douglas, it is society that decides both our appeara ...

[代寫範文]編號171265 澳洲審計論文代寫

這是我們2017年為澳洲悉尼大學的客戶創作的essay,全文1400字,以Inventory management system and internal control process case study 為題,這篇文章是一篇審計auditing的assignment,在introduction部分首先介紹整篇essay的研究案例和研究方向。 This essay will evaluate the inventory management system and internal control process of Cool and Cute (C&C), a clothes company with self-operated retailing stores located in Australia, Ireland and New Zealand, therefore C&C is a multinational company, and the challenge of inventory management and internal control i ...

[代寫範文]編號171207 澳洲商科eviews數據分析代寫

這是我們2017年為澳洲悉尼大學的客戶寫的一篇商科eviews數據分析範文,這篇essay是Q&A形式的,和大家分享一下其中的部分題目。 Q1 (a)I expect the coefficient is positive and is negative, is negative. For β1 , the expenditures on alcohol should be positively correlated with total household expenditure. For β2, young people prefer to drink more than older people. For β3, families with more children would be less likely to buy wine because they would raise their children. (b) c) β1=0.033, means that the expenditures on alcohol is positively correlated ...

[代寫範文]編號171202 澳洲人類學論文代寫

這是我們在2017年為澳洲悉尼卧龍崗大學的客戶寫的一篇人類學的範文,是一篇essay類的小作文,首先通過大量research確定文章的基本基調,然後開始準備論據論點,通過自己的語言寫出來,具體不同的文字表達方式一定也會因此得到不同的結果,我們先來看一下範文的節選片段。 Family has a crucial role in building up individual’s identity. Family provide us with our initial social class, and a first view of the society. Family is the initial and smallest social unit in the society. Parents are the initial teachers for the children in the family. The relationships between the family members and the relations within the boundaries and ac ...