
這是我們在2017年為英國謝菲爾德大學的學弟學妹寫的一篇建築史essay,開頭部分的introduction先介紹背景信息和文章的主體內容。提出勒•柯布西耶是二十世紀最重要的建築師之一,毫無疑問,他是城市規劃中最偉大的夢想家之一。他設計了許多當時被認為是前衛和開創性的建築項目。他認為“房子是一個生活的機器”,並預見了預製房屋和其他新的現代生活模式,這些模式在未來會有很大影響。 Le Corbusier being one of the most important architects of the twentieth century, he is without doubt one of the greatest visionaries in urban planning. He designed many architectural projects which are considered avant-garde and ground-breaking at the time. He believed that “a house is a machine for living i ...


這是我們在2018年為英國謝菲爾德大學的學弟學妹們創作的一篇基礎法律的範文,首先交代case題目,布魯克是否在對谷市議會的疏忽中擁有合法權利? Case 1 Issue: Whether Brooke has legal rights in negligence against the Valley City Council? 再來列舉相關rules,也就是解釋行使適當和合理義務的失敗將導致侵權責任法中的責任。 在侵權法中形成責任有幾個必要的要素:謹慎義務,違背義務,事實因果關係,偏遠,共同過失,損害賠償。 Rule: The failure of exercising appropriate and reasonable duty will lead to liabilities in tort law of negligence. There are several necessary elements to be established to form the liabilities in tort law: duty of care, breach of duty, factu ...

[代寫範文]編號171266 英國會計論文代寫

這是我們在2017年為英國謝菲爾德大學的客戶代寫的一篇範文essay,是一篇management accounting的case study,以下是我們節選的分享片段。 i. The difference in dollar amount of Gross Profit over the two years presented. The reported gross profits in both two years are 36,000. Thus, there is no difference in amount of gross profit over the two years. ii. Determine the Gross Profit % for each year. Current Year Previous Year Gross Profit 36,000 36,000 Net Sales 100,000 90,000 GP % 36% 40% iii. Based on Gross Profit % above, which year is more profita ...