[代写范文]英国 酒店管理论文代写展示

这是我们在2017年为英国University of Nottingham的学弟写的一篇酒店管理类的essay范文。本文研究对象是中国的酒店发展,指出随着中国社会经济发展步伐的加快,酒店业发展非常健康,非常蓬勃。国民收入增加,经济也持续增长,市场需求不断扩大,与此同时,前沿技术的应用也为中国酒店业的发展注入了新的活力。

With the accelerated pace of social and economic development in China, the hotel industry developed very healthy and vigorous. The rising of national incomes, the growth of sustained economic, the continuous expansion of market demand and the application of frontier technologies all injected new vitality to the development of China’s hospitality industry. Moreover, the hospitality industry could bring in immense revenues because of the variety of services, including hotels, flights, restaurants, entertainment and other tourism-related services that could please the visitors. Except from leisure tourism, business traveling also took a place for the growth of the industry, especially in countries like China whose economy is developing rapidly.


Speaking from the macro point of view, China’s hotel industry has entered a period of rapid development, which we called the golden age. According to the data published by the National Tourism Administration, the total revenue of tourism industry has reached 2.4 trillion yuan in 2013, which is 14% higher than the last year. From which, the domestic tourism incomes increase 10.3%. Moreover, in the first three quarters of 2016, the number of domestic tourists has reached 3.36 billion and the total revenue from both inbound and outbound tourism was 2.9 trillion yuan (Daniel, 2016).


With the development of the technological and scientific revolution (The Third Industrial Revolution), the Internet has greatly changed the way people to communicate to each other. Online booking and electronic payment becomes the mainstream of our lifestyle. Although the development of the Internet is beyond our prediction, but it is obviously that the Internet is more and more integrated to our life. As a hotel operator, it is urgent and necessary to keep up with the trend, or we would be flooded in the flow and being left far behind.




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